Port of Wilmington Cold Storage featured in Star News

Here is a recent article featuring our cold storage facility.


Construction progress photos for week ending 01/15

Refrigeration piping progressing at cold dock roof.

Steel erection at the MHE room nearly complete.

Electrical equipment installation progressing at engine room.

Refrigeration equipment placed in the engine room.

Steel erection continues at the office and perimeter of the cold dock.

Primary power transformer set by Duke Energy.

Site Visit 01/11/16

Chuck Schoninger and Chuck McCarthy visit the construction site.

Construction progress photos for week ending 12/26

Setting of condensing unit and penthouse evaporators.

IMP panel installation at the freezer to convertible room wall.

Steel structure and decking at the cold dock.

Progress continues at the penthouse above the quick freeze area.

Steel structure continues at the convertible room.

Construction progress photos for week ending 12/12

Successful slab pour in the electrical room.

Quick Freeze evaporator stands are installed at the penthouse.

Fine grading continues at the dock area.

Roof structure continues to be erected at the cold dock.

Dredging project at the Port of Wilmington

We at the Port of Wilmington Cold Storage are extremely excited about the news of the dredging project that has been approved for the turning basing at the Port of Wilmington. This will allow the New Panamax vessels to service our port. Here is some of the information from the article…


The N.C. Coastal Resources Commission unanimously approved a variance Tuesday enabling the N.C. Ports Authority to go ahead with a $16 million dredging project to enlarge existing ships’ turning basin to accommodate larger container vessels, according to CRC Chair Frank Gorham.

According to the variance materials, the […]

Construction Progress Photos for week ending 12/05

Paving begins across the road at the Northwest Corner of the site.

Slab is complete on the South side of the Engine room.

Concrete fill-in placed around perimeter stem wall on north and west sides.

Poly has been installed in the engine room in preparation for concrete pours.

Construction progress photos for week ending 11/21

The sun sets over the Port as column and beam erection continues at the freezer.

Insulated Metal Panel installation ongoing at the engine room.

Steel erection is progressing well at the freezer.

Construction Progress Time Lapse Video

Port of Wilmington Cold Storage featured in Star News

Here is a recent article featuring the Port of Wilmington Cold Storage and a few comments from the president of the facility, Chuck McCarthy.

WILMINGTON — Persistent rain over the last several weeks has slowed construction of a cold storage facility at the Port of Wilmington, but the building should be open by mid-April, according to the company that will operate the new facility.

“The rain is slowing us down a bit,” said Chuck McCarthy, president and partner of Wilmington Cold Storage, a subsidiary of USA Investco. “If you think about the last month, it’s rained just about every other day.”

McCarthy […]