The Pork Network featured the Port of Wilmington Cold Storage in a recent article:

New North Carolina Facility Could Offer Export Options

North Carolina recently opened its only in-port cold storage facility, Port of Wilmington Cold Storage (PWCS). The facility is expected to serve as an economic boost for North Carolina agricultural exports.

Having refrigeration, blast freezing and storage all in the Port of Wilmington will potentially convince additional perishable goods producers to export from Wilmington, instead of from ports that are farther away and more expensive.

It will also provide the opportunity for more local and regional producers to expand businesses into exporting.

The North Carolina Department of Agriculture reported a 200% jump in ag exports from 2005 to 2014.

As the number 2 pork producing state in the United States, North Carolina’s top export is pork. Pork, along with other top exports like turkey and other poultry, are all perishable goods that require refrigeration for export. Now that will be available within the state’s borders.

You can read the full article on Pork Network’s website: